WWE RAW would kick off with CM Punk would would talk about Mr Lauranaitis's actions last week, where he admitted he would screw Punk at the Rumble, and blasted Mick Foley with the mic. John Cena would interrupt Punk to also address Lauranaitis about his lack of consideration to Long Island I C Zack Ryder's injuries. He also stated that he wished to compete against Kane one on one before the Rumble, and that tonight Mr Lauranaitis would resign as interim GM. Big Johnny would interrupt announcing Zack would face Kane in a falls count anywhere match (If Cena interfered, Zack would never get a US title rematch) He also announced that Punk and Cena would compete against Dolph and Swagger.
The match began with Cena vs Ziggler, John would make a quick tag to Punk.who would show Ziggler who's boss. He would then later tag to Cena, Ziggler would then take control. He showed off before tagging to Swagger, who would take control after Cena returned a taunt to Ziggler and knocked him off the apron. On Commentary, it would be revealed that Swagger offered Zack a rematch when he was 100%. Cena would be isolated by Ziggler and Swagger. Ziggler would show off again before tagging to Swagger. Cena would set-up a hot tag after he hit Swagger with an AA, Swagger tagged Ziggler. Punk would build up some offense outside and after a kick to the head Swagger would break the count, this lead to Cena throqing Swagger out. Outside, Swagger attempted to put Cena in the ankle lock, but would be reversed into the STF. This distracted the ref, when Punk attempted to go up top for an elbow drop. Punk shoved the ref out the way. Lauranaitis distracted Punk, which allowed Ziggler to get the roll-up and win.
This was a good match, promoted the title match which I am looking forward to very much so. Although the ending on Punk's part was predictable, where Cena did surprise me. I believe it was adequate and believable from the beginning until Cena hit the AA, it went downhill from there.
Post match Punk would challenge Lauranaitis to a match that very night, to which Lauranaitis would accept.
Before CM Punk would take on Lauranaitis, John would receive a letter, which left him a bit confused from the news he received. Lauranaitis would read the letter out loud. To summarise, The board were unhappy with Lauranaitis announcing he will screw CM Punk and his GM position will be reviewed as well as his other position by Triple H next week. Lauranaitis announced that Foley would be in the Rumble, he also said that he would call the match down the middle. Lauranaitis would revoke the match, and placed Otunga as his substitute. Otunga immediately attacked Punk, Punk would lock the anaconda vice on Otuna, who would tap immediately, he stared down Lauranaitis, before Kicking Otunga in the head, Lauranaitis tried to shake hands but instead received a GTS. Ziggler would hit the Zig Zag following this.
I believe that Lauranaitis makes too many mic slurs and when put into the GTS, he just hung there, didn't shake or anything. My opinion is if WWE are getting rid of Lauranaitis, it is because he is still not comfortable out in the ring and on the mic. If you notice backstage, he doesn't blush and talks with no mistakes, but out in front of the crowd, he is out of his comfort zone, and goes all red. The match would have been poor quality, I am glad it didn't take place and instead promoted the title match. I also believe Lauranaitis has served his purpose on RAW.
Backstage before Ryder would compete against Kane, Foley would give Ryder some advice on Kane. Cena would say that he would have his back, Ryder quickly replied saying to Cena that he does not want Cena helping, so he gets his title rematch.
The match between Ryder and Kane, which would be Kane's first match in which he actually competed in since his return. Ryder was quickly on the attack before Kane gained control with shots to the ribs, and a big boot sending Kane into the announce table. Kane would focus on Ryders ribs and lower back on the outside of the ring. Eve would show up at ring side while Kanr continued his attack.The fight led to the crowd where Kane would continue his attack, focusing again on the ribs. Zack would fight back but Kane would again focus on the ribs, leading up to the ramp. Kane would finish Ryder with a chokeslam through the stage. He then turned his attention to Eve who would back away. John Cena would appear on stage, which lead Kane to flee through the crowd.
I love how WWE fixes the stage, so no one stands on it, and has medical personnel out just like that. In reality Kane is not to blame, is is the people who set up. Ryder would not have fell through if they set it up. I also enjoy how the announce team work so well as they become quieter during this. Ryder getting put in an ambulance, is another way of promoting Cena vs Kane, and I am enjoying it now, as it makes a change to Kane's past rivals. Not as good as his rivalry with Stone Cold, Undertaker, Shane McMahon, RVD or MVP. Later it would be revealed that Ryder broke his back. This will leave him out of action for at least 2 years, if it was not story-lined, again WWE should pick a more believable injury, because Ryder will return sooner I guarantee it.
Jinder Mahal would try to change the mood after the Kane insident with a match with Sheamus. Jinder and Sheamus would exchangee strikes, Sheamus would gain control and land the Irish hand grenades. Wade Barrett came down during the match, taking Sheamus's focus of Jinder giving Mahal the upper-hand. Wade on commentary would announce that Randy would return this friday on Smackdown. Jinder would apply a light hold this allowed Sheamus to counter and land some offense. Mahal would counter the Celtic cross, but Sheamus would finish the match with a Brogue kick.
Randy Orton apparently suffered a hernia disk in his lower back. This will cause the individual severe pain and Randy would be out for a good 3 years. As this is story-lined, Orton is back a lot sooner. WWE should have given him a more believable injury. The match was quick and used to promote the rumble. Sheamus continued to showcase his momentum.I wish Jinder would do something to get himself out there. Smackdown he did just that. He could become a good heel, but needs to stop messing round with the mid popular talent. I believe after Wrestlemania, Jinder, provided he remains heel and in weekly programming, he should be eligible for a title.
Miz and R-Truth would have a backstage segement in which Miz would announce he woudl win the Rumble, and that he was number 1. R-Truth would interrupt. Saying he was Eric Fiesher, a WWE marketer. This was a gimmick to insult the Miz. They would begin bickering, Lauranaitis would add a stipulation to their match, making it loser recieves number one entrant in the Royal Rumble.
Truth and Miz would begin with exchanging moves, before R-Truth would lose control after placing Miz back in the ring. Miz would gain complete dominance after a sholder block knock Truth face first to the floor. Truth would counter an abdominal Stretch and build up some major offense, however all pins ended in 2 counts. Miz would counter with a backbreaker neckbreaker and would build up some offense, Truth would hit the Little Jimmy on Miz for the win.
The backstage was humorous for a 8 year old, which is what R-Truth has become, I was actually surprised that Miz lost, I thought that WWE would be promoting him for Elimination Chamber. Although this could be a way they are doing it, by leaving Miz in the rumble for sometime. The match was extremely good, by far the best match of the night.
William Regal joined Cole and Jerry on commentary, for Brodus vs Heath Slater in an obvious jobber match. Funkasaurus would giggle about and hit Slater with his t-bone suplex followed by the Aw Funk for the win. He then would finish with a dance session, as usual.
All I will say is Jobber and someone call his mama.
Chris Jericho came down to the ring, doing the same routine he had done before, but on the returning Highlight reel. He would grab a T-shirt gun with a T-shirt but did not fire, he grabbed the camera and filmed the crowd. He then showed a highlight of his career before finally speaking that the Royal Rumble will be the end of the world as we know it.
I thought that Jericho would ruin the WWE Championship match, this has changed my opinion completely. Jericho is now a Royal Rumble entrant. I know believe Jericho will win. My review of his highlight reel was good, But his announcement was the best part.
Overall I would rate this episode of RAW 6/10
2(Royal Rumble promomania)
3(Kane dominates)
4(WWE championship promomania)
5(Jericho speaks!!)
6(Foley & Jericho in the rumble)
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